O Sol da Meia Noite, parte II

Segunda parte da reportagem do "Tour to the Midnight Sun 2015" a que se junta um bem elucidativo texto de Nellie Bishop sobre as condições extremas que por vezes os participantes nesta maratona tiveram que enfrentar.
Fotos de JRS e Nellie & Charlie Bishop

"Today, dear readers, I shall regale you with tales of derring-do, verve, panache and élan: all essential qualities in a light cavalryman (obviously distinct from infantry on horses otherwise known as dragoon guards). We set off from Fru Haugans hotel in Mosjoen in the pouring rain. This was wet rain. This was rain that could penetrate old fashioned waterproofs within minutes. It was like swimming in rain. Proper, big drop rain. Arctic rain. Leaden skies, sullen clouds. (I think they have it now – move on, ed). Anyway, your brave correspondent and navigator continued in their customary fashion to laugh in the face of adversity. We  travelled hood-less, generating much admiration as usual from our fellow rallyists, several of whom asked us to be godparents to their children and one invited us to speak at the United Nations. Ok I made that bit up, there weren’t several godparent requests: only one. Actually, there wasn’t much admiration, only a little scratching of heads in wonderment at the stupidity of otherwise sane and intelligent people subjecting themselves to such horrendous conditions. But this is where the cunning bit comes in: we have modern waterproofs and we stay as warm and dry as if we were in a fancy limousine." 

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